Credit card providers will do everything in their power to hook You into getting a credit card. Many attach a free gift or special offer and while that t-shirt of frisbee might look nice now, it isn’t worth the headache that a credit card will ultimately bring you. The most important thing to consider when applying for a card is the terms and conditions, not the free stuff.
Know your credit limits.
Usually credit limits are low when you get you first card. This is a good thing. It keeps your debt manageable, and allows you to start to build your credit score at an early age. Whatever you do, don’t go over your limit or you will pay some hefty penalties. Keep track of your spending.
Remember, promotional rates are temporary.
Just about every credit card offers a promotional rate for a fixed period of time to attract new customers. Do your homework and find out exactly how long, and then make sure you know what the APR will be set at after the promotional rate has expired.
Watch out for penalties and unnecessary fees.
The biggest pitfall with a credit card other than spending too much, is to have unnecessary fees added onto to your balance. These fees are most commonly associated with late or missed payments. In most cases, any missed payment results in a penalty plus a resetting of the APR to the highest possible rate.
My last piece of advice is to keep one card only. The more you have, the more likely you are to use them and confuse them. Keep it simple and good luck.